Set Up

Our Set Up systems include: Set Up Wheels, Set Up Pads, Ride Heigh Bars, Toe Bars and Zimmers but also reading Camber-Toe-Ride Height systems

Set Up wheels with spheres for formula cars and also for GT, LMS, Prototypes cars... with our own project. Or as in Formula 1 or other special cars, the project is exclusive for the requester customer. This equipment is uually combined to Set Up Pads with load cells in wireless system and / or with cables. Hovewer, it can also be supplied with integrated load cells, although usually the most used supply is Set Up Wheels with only the spheres. In case of Set Up Wheels with integrated load cells, the Set Up Pads can be provided without cells. See also Set Up Pads  and Set Up Time

Thanks to the cooperation with our partners, we provide the Set Up equipment with a latest generation software, very intuitive but with high accuracy.  T

Bars and Zimmers are designed also for each car model an usually manufactured in ALU and Carbon.  

To measure or for reading Camber, Toe a Ride Height, we can propose different options. Based on the customer’s choice, we can supply the set-up equipment with the system already integrated.

All this equiment is also usually supplied in a customized flight case with a specifically designed inside – to take care and to protect the equipment –, but also with an egonomic layout which meets the space dimensions requested by the customer.